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Economy & Trade

Reverse Engineering For SDGs

  • Opinion
  • 5 min read

When young people from small towns and villages seek higher education they have to usually migrate to big cities leaving their local communities behind. On completion of their degree from the Universities, they generally prefer staying in cities, in search of a good job and a successful career.


Is Agribusiness The Problem Or The Solution?

  • Opinion
  • 6 min read

For two centuries, all too many discussions about hunger and resource scarcity has been haunted by the ghost of Parson Thomas Malthus. Malthus warned that rising populations would exhaust resources, especially those needed for food production. Exponential population growth would outstrip food output.

The Blue Economy For Africa’s Growth And How Japan Can Help

  • Business
  • 9 min read

From concerns around environmental sustainability to the dangers of corruption and a dearth of actionable data, policymakers need vast resources to get to grips with large swathes of their own territory. There are also challenges related to climate change, rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification and rising sea levels.