The Mastercard Foundation is concerned for the safety and security of all people.
The Foundation is deeply concerned about the violence taking place at Makerere University surrounding the student protests related to the fee structure at the university. The Foundation supports freedom of expression and believes in civil discourse. The Foundation does not condone violence in any situation.
The Foundation is actively engaging with the leadership of Makerere University and with members of the Scholars Program Implementation Team to better understand the situation. Mastercard Foundation expects that the university will take all necessary steps to ensure all Scholars and students are safe and secure.Distributed by African Media Agency (AMA) on behalf of the Mastercard Foundation. About the Mastercard Foundation
The Mastercard Foundation seeks a world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and prosper. The Foundation’s work is guided by its mission to advance learning and promote financial inclusion for people living in poverty. One of the largest foundations in the world, it works almost exclusively in Africa. It was created in 2006 by Mastercard International and operates independently under the governance of its own Board of Directors. The Foundation is based in Toronto, Canada. For more information and to sign up for updates from the Foundation, please visit Follow the Foundation @MastercardFdn on Twitter.