Onyeka Onwenu, renowned Nigerian singer, actor, and activist, has passed away after a heart attack. Onwenu, 72, fell ill after a performance at a private party in Lagos. She was taken to a nearby hospital where she died a few hours later. President Bola Tinubu praised her contributions, noting her “immortal masterpieces.” Born in 1952, Onwenu was raised in Port Harcourt before she headed to the United States, where she completed her education. Upon returning to Nigeria, she launched her music career while working as a broadcaster at the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA). Onwenu leaves a lasting legacy in Nigerian music and culture. She is revered for her love ballads and songs about women’s rights during Nigeria’s tumultuous 1980s. Her hits include the disco anthem “One Love” and “You and I,” the latter featured in the Nollywood film “Conspiracy.” She is survived by two sons from a marriage in 1984.