Global leaders from the public sector, private sector, civil society, and academia met this week in Davos, Switzerland for the 50th Anniversary of the World Economic Forum. has curated hundreds of keynote speeches, panel discussions, focused spotlight talks, exhibits, and sideline events to bring you an understanding of what happened at WEF from the Africa perspective. The theme this year was Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World. The theme addressed the current fractured nature of the international solidarity that has prevailed over the last couple of decades. The divisive world requires a change in mindset and behavior in order to reconcile. WEF’s historic role has been a platform where institutions and individuals go to address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges of a complex, interdependent world.Source: AFRICA.COM
Eight Things Africa Should Know about WEF Davos 2020
- Top 10 News
- 1 min read