Egypt: President El-Sisi Meets the Minister of Transport

Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Minister of Transport, Lieutenant-General Engineer Kamel Al-Wazir; Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Ashraf Atwa; and a number of commanders of the Armed Forces.

The President was briefed on work progress in the establishment, upgrading and operation of ports across the republic, given their vital role in all sectors of the state, as well as their role in reinforcing Egypt’s status as a regional and global hub for maritime transport, logistics and transit trade. President El-Sisi gave directives to continue efforts toward developing the Egyptian ports’ network to align with the state’s efforts to leverage the infrastructure established over the past years, in a manner that boosts the state’s full capacities and generates more jobs for the citizens.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Presidency of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

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