William Jackson, M.Ed. CEO of My Quest To Teach & MetaverseWP
World Metaverse Council Member
A growing number of African technology conferences are partnering with companies to provide Africans that have accessibility issues related to mobility the chance to contribute,
participate and engage virtually as Avatars in the growing number tech conferences developing
across Africa. There are multiple African nations entering into the Metaverse in education, business, commerce, and collaborations. Taking advantage of the ability to connect over vast distances, borders, and boundaries.
As the African and European Union still tries to figure out how the developing visa programs for travel across Africa are considered, many countries with the infrastructure and technical knowledge are not waiting and using the growing technologies of the metaverse to allow Africans to move digitally and virtually.
This has not been available for Africans in the past and empowering innovation as in the global economic changes, now is the time to support the ability to help Africans with accessibility issues related to mobility.
The metaverse is open to African entrepreneurs and business owners to start new businesses and embrace entrepreneurialism as a normal cycle of the digital ecosystem. To allow Africans
to see themselves as business owners and entrepreneurs.
Stated by M&C Saatchi Abel Ubuntuland, “We aim to give Africans the access and resources
they need to unlock their creative fire power from the home base of Africa’s digital creative
destinations. Using African capabilities as industry leaders, we can enable and empower Africa
to grow and flourish on a global playing field.” Africa Launching Into The Metaverse,
ForbesAfrica 2022. Applying the tools of MetaverseWP an America based company that builds
Metaverse spaces for African WordCamp conferences since 2022 (https://metaversewp.com/).
The growth of the metaverse has provided phenomenal opportunities for those who may be
wheelchair-bound, hospital-bound, home-bound, and even their geographical location denies
them physical participation in the growing number of technology conferences. Many times
Africans with mobility issues are forgotten and left behind.
The flexibility of technologies where multiple devices can be used like Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop and other devices that can allow entrance into virtual reality with the metaverse.
Companies like My Quest To Teach since 2018 have been sponsoring youth, teens, young adults and students and teachers to attend WordCamp conferences that coordinate with ICT
technology training. Giving Africans increased exposure and access to people and resources
to build digital skills. Now is the time to support Africans with mobility issues.
In the educational realm in ages ranging from 7yrs to 25yrs, young Africans have grown into the metaverse through gaming, Roblox, Minecraft and other platforms expose young African early and provide skill-sets that will carry them into the future. The increase of technology across the African continent is influencing the careers of the youngest of the continent. If they are not educated, trained, and mentored they will grow increasingly into a position of being unemployable because they do not have technical skills. Under-employed because they do not have the basic skills and knowledge and may not be able to be trained and forgotten in the job market because technology careers require specific skills, and abilities.
The year of 2022 started building metaverse spaces by Prof. Jackson with WordCamp Entebbe, Uganda, followed by WordCamp Jinja, Uganda and transitioned into 2023. Starting 2023 with WordCamp Nairobi, Kenya, WordCamp Jinja, WordCamp Masaka, WordCamp Kampala. Along with programs from Nigeria of “Power of Africa” conference and “Poetry Prize” also located in Nigeria.
To see African technology conferences that are offered globally is WordCamp Central https://central.wordcamp.org/ these display the global influence of WordCamp conferences and provides key access to Africans. Still there is a lacking for Africans with mobility challenges that
are serviced.
WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users across the local communities. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. They build communities that help to create thought leaders, community organizers, knowledgeable speakers and give local residents a chance to volunteer and lead at tech conferences. They also help people build businesses to employ local
residents where everyone benefits.
African Metaverses have the potential to boost the economy, educate equally boys and girls, open doors of business and commerce and bring hope, purpose, power and raise up the next generation to be digital leaders. There are growing African countries that are embracing new concepts of Art Creation, Digital innovation and even allow African businesses to begin working from home. COVID-19 showed that being isolated affected mental, emotional, and human connections, those using technology had access to human connections that many were denied. The Metaverse, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality has made it possible to have online meetings and collaborations, building virtual human connections. These technologies are still relatively new, they need 4G and higher digital speeds to be effective and the African infrastructures needs to receive investments from governments to provide a needed resource for local communities.
The Metaverse across Africa will provide a platform for industries to showcase and advertise themselves and what contributions they are providing in the local communities. Technology will create a global reach for not only African NFT artists but also African digital products.
“As Africa’s population and educational sectors gradually improve, experts have estimated that shortly most innovations will come from this flourishing continent. To accommodate them would require a vast ecosystem that can not only house but also individually focus on these ideas entirely.” https://furtherafrica.com/2022/10/25/how-can-africa-benefit-from-the-metaverse/
WordCamps like WordCamp Nairobi (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfTIlFPdJ1I&t=4s)
where students from local schools and universities are learning wonderful concepts that can
promote independent learning.
The Metaverse, AI, VR, MR. Web 3/4/5 are changing the ecosystems of education, employment, empowerment, economics, and even influencing politics. To see the growing list
of African Metaverse sites access MetaverseWP.com. Now is the time to build continental networks across Africa and build communities of empowerment, engagement, and leadership.