The Agritech Innovators Bringing Transformative Change to the Continent’s Green Economy

Forbes Africa profiles some of Africa’s biggest agripreneurs, inventors, and agribusiness leaders changing the way we think about farming, food security and climate resilience. They have cultivated a passion for smart agriculture and are leading the charge for social change not only for the sector but for the continent – and for humanity’s sustainable future. In a report by Deloitte, with about 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land, Africa has the capacity to meet the world’s long-term food demand. In addition, land already under cultivation could produce much more but crop yields remain at half the global average. With the right know-how and inputs, Africa’s average cropland productivity can more than double. Coupled with positive global food demand, Africa’s underutilization of its land resources for farming implies significant growth opportunities for agricultural producers and exporters in Africa.


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