The Weylandts story began in 1964 when Edgar Weylandt opened his first store in Namibia and founded what would one day become South Africa’s leading name in furniture and homeware. Celebrating the remarkable history of the brand and the legacy his father left behind, Chris is shining light on the power of storytelling, sharing personal memories of his father, his childhood, and how his design philosophy was formed.
Chris says that his father always had a great love for design and craftsmanship. Throughout his life and career, Edgar was very particular about quality materials and had a meticulous eye for woodwork and finishes. “I have a chair my father bought in Brazil more than 50 years ago. I grew up with this chair in our home, and it’s every bit as beautiful now as it was then. It illustrates the timelessness of good design and highlights the value of patience and effort.” For Chris, it’s an ode to his father’s legacy, and the journey Weylandts has been on since its inception. “It’s also a reminder of where I come from and the environment that shaped me,” he says. “Even as a young boy, I understood the value of patience and the importance of design and quality, which were ingrained in me by my parents.”
Over the years, Chris has kept these lessons close to heart and poured them into his work. As such, he’s built a brand synonymous with timelessness. “People are drawn to Weylandts for the longevity of our high-quality products. We avoid following short-lived trends by keeping our palette pared back and our designs simple yet bold and statement-making. We are at the forefront of what is happening in the design industry locally and globally and stay abreast of contemporary influences. We’ve created our own niche aesthetic which informs everything we do.” Chris says he achieves this by drawing inspiration from around the world and, of course, nature. “Travel is a big source of inspiration for me, but so is being outdoors. Nature gives me the space to think, and that definitely influences the Weylandts aesthetic.”
Chris says he is inspired by the landscapes of his childhood, particularly the majestic backdrop of Namibia’s coastline, mountains, and sand dunes. For him, these spaces not only illustrate his roots but also his point of view when it comes to design. “I strongly believe that our environments shape us on a deeply cellular level,” he says. “I wanted to show people where my design philosophy comes from. When we say that Weylandts is inspired by nature, we really mean it. When I think of good design, I think of the constant movement of the ocean, the textures and colours of giant boulders, and how the dunes have been formed over millions of years.” Chris says that this grand scenery captures the Weylandts story, from where it all started in 1964 to where it is today. “There’s so much power in a story,” he says, “and we want to connect with people by sharing ours.”
With the aim of sharing his story, Chris and his team at Weylandts recently released a short film titled ‘Storytelling’. To watch the film, follow the link here.