Africa and Hand-me Downs

Recent data has shown that a whopping 90% of used clothes and textile waste from European countries have been making its way to Africa and Asia through exports. This concerning trend, brought to light by the European Environment Agency (EEA), emphasizes the alarming impact of textile waste on the environment and climate change, ranking it as the fourth most significant source of pressure resulting from European consumption. According to the report, the production and consumption of textiles in the European Union have a significant negative impact on the environment and climate. Within the value chain, textile consumption ranks high in land use and water consumption, coming in third place. It also ranks fifth in material resource utilization and greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, the production of textiles introduces chemicals that further harm the environment and contribute to climate change. With sustainability in waste management practices becoming increasingly crucial, these findings shed light on the pressing demand for heightened responsibility within the global textile trade.


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