4th PIAFRICA Is Virtual! 18 – 19 March 2021

Pension Funds and Alternative Investments Africa Virtual Conference brings a month of virtual events with 2-day executive lead forum, pre- and post-webinars, and a Masterclass training session via the event App.

Developed under the theme “The developmental impact of pension funds – allocating capital in a broad-based economy”, the 2021 PIAfrica Virtual Conference will take place throughout the month of March including pre- and post- webinars, a Masterclass training session, and 2-day full of sessions of debate via the event platform led by Pension Funds experts. They will share their views on the current investment climate in Pension Funds, the strategies to overcome existing challenges and the opportunities available to savvy investors.

The 2-day executive lead forum, happening on 18 – 19 March 2021, aims at promoting alternative investments and diversification in the portfolio of pension funds and asset managers. It will bring together senior level executives and decision makers, such as Pension Funds or Sovereign Wealth Funds embarking or already investing in the alternative investment space, asset managers or investment funds active in Africa, members of a Central Bank or Regulatory bodies, professionals from legal, technology and advisory capacity.

PIAfrica will be virtual for the first time, for the safety and security of all our attendees. 

PIAfrica 2021 counts with the participation of key speakers, such Tanya Van Lill, Chief Executive Officer at Capital and Private Equity Association; George Asante, Managing Principal, Head of Global Market at ABSA Group; Malizole Mdlekeza, Chair at South Africa Alternative Investment Forum; Bronwyn Corbett, Chief Executive Officer at Grit Real Estate Income Group; Craig Stanley, Partner, Enko Capital Management LLP; Dr Ini Urua, SVP & Head of Country Relations, AFC, and many others. 

The Key Strategic Partners of Pensions Funds and Alternative Investments Africa Virtual Conference 2021 are Grit Real Estate Income, BlackRock, DBSA (Development Bank of Southern Africa), ABSA, Africa Finance Corporation (AFC), TDB (Trade & Development Bank), BADEA, AFRICINVEST, Perigeum Capital, LS Advisors, ENKO Capital, RisCura, and Moravia Capital Investments.

Supporting institutions include African Private Equity & Venture Capital Association, Association of Pension Administrators of Kenya, Moroccan Private Equity Association (AMIC), Actuarial Society of South Africa, SAVCA, and Global Finance Mauritius.

The registration for the 4th PIAfrica Virtual Conference is open for delegates, via https://ametrade.org/event/pi-africa-2021/ or alternatively via email at  piafrica@ametrade.org . 

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